Wednesday 24 April 2013

Personal experiences

After all your job hunting you manage to score yourself a few interviews. FANTASTIC.
Or is it??? For some this seemingly simple process can, these days, actually  be very terrifying.. .  There are single person interviews, the group interviews of three or so interviewing you, (I feel like this is a game of tag at the best of times) then you have the dreaded questionaire that generally can take 20 minutes just to complete!!! I can't say I have had a psych analysis testing for a job but I sure have had talent tests and questionaires!! These ones I have had took me 30 minutes!!!! Wow talk about trying to weed out the genuine people....
For me I thought interviews were a relatively simple process.  Ok so I have been unemployed for over 8 years, but in that time I did not sit on my behind and do nothing... While my precious angel was at school I spent my time studying through the local TAFE.   I started off with the teacher's aide special certificate and towards the end of the year decided to pick up a business administration certificate.  I took some time off the following year from it due to family court proceedings (This alone tests you out but that is another story).  I picked myself back up the following year and not only continued my studies in order to improve my employment prospects but my skills as well.  OMG I must say how the interview process has changed in that small period of time.  As competition increases for jobs so does the processes of elimination for the employer.

So I persisted, regardless of the processes, and another interview same result of you don't have the experience we are after.. hmm I see so does that explain why you put on a 17 year old??? After numerous repeated results alas I was left defeated feeling worthless and beginning to lose faith in myself and my abilities.  However this still did not deter me from the interview or job search process.  I managed to score myself an interview with my local job network provide yahoo maybe this is it? I though to my self. I was confident, I was educated, I even researched the company and impressed in the interview but then it came............. THE CALL!!!! You interviewed really well however we chose someone with experience (Despite the ad in the local rag stating not required!!)  I felt deflated.  A few weeks later I saw my case manager and was told they were told I did not interview well.. Say what now??? This left me confused and decreased my confidence so much so that the next interview I had.............. Yea you guess it I totally stuffed it up.. Why?? Because I could not get out of my head the interviewer at my job network telling me one thing and my case manager another.... This left me confused and lost as to whether I was good at interviews or not......

Several months later I finally score another interview with a new supermarket in the town over from me I can only try right??? I was happy I scored the interview but a little apprehensive.  The day of the interview I managed to get my head in order and decided stuff what the woman said at the job network center I want a job and I am going to give the best interview ever.  I was confident and was not letting nerves or stupid comments deter me.  I was well received my only downfall was the lack of product knowledge but they would certainly place me in a Duty Managers role :)  A good outcome regardless of not scoring that position.
I find where ever possible access as much feedback as you can this can only aid you.
Fast forward to today and I have an interview for a local company ironically being conducted at my job network providers offices.  I decided not to be nervous and give it my best shot.  And I was told by my provider they gave nothing but positive comments so clearly I have NO problems with interviews and they loved me thought I was great.  I am crossing my fingers here for a job.
I guess from my personal experience while they can seem like daunting freaky things, be you, be the educated you know your weaknesses know your strengths and you will be in with a shot (and a little company knowledge can help too).

But most of all be prepared, a good knowledge of your self and your abilities does go a long way, answer everything as best you can and ask if they would like any clarification on anything you have said.  Be prepared to answer those gaps in your resume and don't be down on yourself for them, we all have them. Mine are long due to single parenting but I would not change that, this in its self brings a lot of skills to the table.
I wish you all luck with your future endeavours and hope that employment comes your way soon.  Do your best to not let the lack of employment or interviews get you down, keep fighting, keep busy and keep applying even if you think you wouldn't meet the criteria try anyway.  It's good practice and experience and in its self gives you skills and helps you identify your abilites.

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